Zealously running up and down the aisles of Jewel in pursuit of Bubbalicious gum. Truly on a mission to find it and utterly disappointed when it wasn’t there. Just thinking of those explosive flavors made my mouth water and could only think back to one thing…
I so vividly remember that summer, summer circa ’98. We spent a few weeks at my cousins. Everyday we’d venture off into something new. Summer time was LIFE and this was our jam. We’d cruise our bikes to the bubble gum lady’s home and it’d go something like this:
The “bubble gum lady” appears…
“What’s everyone’s flavor today?”
GASP!- “Cotton candy!” “Twisted tornado!” “Strawberry!” “Watermelon!” “What’s the newest one you got?!” (haha)
Her husband worked in the Bubbalicious factory. They had every single flavor your mind can imagine. Not quite sure how this all began or if many knew of this hidden gem. For us, this was the town treasure. These were the adventures we sought after. Nothing seemed to matter more than the flavor of the day. So much so, it became routine. Bursting with sweetness and tangy tartness, life was good.
So here’s my unpretentious shout out to the “bubble gum lady”. Thank you for bringing so much flavor to our childhood days, making them even that much more exciting. We are truly grateful for you! 🙂
A story for the books and that one, never forgotten home.
Wearing Zara top and jeans, Generation Bliss bomber and mom’s vintage clutch
Photography by Chris Yankton, Edited by Allison Cooling