#influenced by Michael Jordan.
It’s been 23 years since I last wore a pair of Jordan’s… how’s that for a number coincidence?!
I’ll never forget my first pair after the 1997 championship. I was in fifth grade and those white and black patent high top sneakers made my life complete. I was the cool kid on the block. Fast forward to The Last Dance documentary (a must watch), and we’re back to where we started. Because in all honesty, no matter the age, who doesn’t “wanna be like Mike?!”
It’s been a rough couple of months, 2020 isn’t the dream year we had all hoped and imagined it to be. Cue Lemony Snicket’s: A Series of Unfortunate Events. With everything going on in this world, there’s much I want to say but have decided to keep this platform solely a space of inspiration- all things fun fashion and fancy fresh imagery.
Home this week with family and appreciating moments spent together. Sometimes life throws a curve ball that shakes you up in a flash. Though scary, it allows you to readjust & refocus, embrace & appreciate time, energy, health, love, life.
Also grateful for moments spent at Generation Bliss.
*Giving generationbliss.com a fresh new look and it’s launching VERY soon. Beyond ecstatic to show you!
*Our place in Minneapolis is finally almost complete… will be sharing room by room details with you soon. Stay tuned my loves!
& Happy Thursday 🙂