Dublin > Cork > Blarney > Kinsale > Doonbeg > Cliffs of Moher > Doolin > Dublin
1 week, 7 cities, 3 best-est friends… What more can you ask for?!
The moment I stepped off the plane, the people, culture, and country itself was nothing short of fascinating. Thanks to our lucky charm Kaitlyn Mary [Eloicious Joseph] O’Shea, we were struck with more than just your average shamrock luck.
From reveling with celebrities (insert Kevin Kilbane and Stephen Hunt), enjoying delicious meals, (Irish breakfasts, cappuccinos and lattes included) to breathtaking views, wonderful train/taxi rides and absolute perfect weather.
A quick recap of your “to do”-
Dublin- Accommodations: Westbury and Temple Hotel.
Temple Street is filled with restaurants and a nightlife that’s walking distance from one locale to the next. We spent the least amount of time here, but definitely made a priority to see the live bands! Although I wasn’t there to experience the Guinness Factory (a must see) I definitely made it a priority to drink a pint of Guinness [almost] everyday… the froth- need I say more?!
Off to the country…
Cork- Accommodation: Hayfield Manor. A family owned upscale boutique hotel, centrally located and easy to venture off to nearby cities.
Nightspots to visit- Rearden’s and Oliver Plunkett’s. Live music everywhere! And ending the night with a slice of Fast Al’s pepperoni pizza- a must!
If time permits, stroll through the University College Cork (UCC) campus- a sight worth visiting.
Blarney- The Blarney Castle; the highlight of this tour was kissing the Blarney Stone. (Not as easy as it seems). I had NO idea I’d be doing a backbend down the side, from the very top of the castle tower in order to smooch this famous piece of bluestone rock. That’s right – the stone is wedged right into the walls of an old medieval fortress originally built over 500 years ago. All this to be bestowed with the gift of eloquence ☺
Kinsale- a historic port and fishing town. Each building a different color, creating a rainbow effect along the River Bandon. Walking around cobblestone streets we veered our way into Stone Mad, a unique jewelry shop filled with the exquisite gems and trinkets galore!
Dinner at the Black Pig- D E L I C I O U S! Tapas style-order to share. And be sure to make a reservation!
Doonbeg- Accommodation: Trump International Hotel. Sitting on acres of beautiful Irish countryside along the Atlantic Ocean- an ultimate luxury place, breathtaking views and unparalleled service. Be sure to horseback on the beach!
Nightlife is not rampant, but this allows for relaxation and a perfect spa day!
Cliffs of Moher- God in all His splendor! The weather truly cooperated -no fog, no rain, just miles of perfectly visible cliffs. Viewing this masterpiece, one easily finds inner peace and tranquility.
Quick stop in Doolin then back to Dublin for our last night. Before we got there, our train stopped in Limerick and we made our way outside only to discover the entire city dressed in green- a huge celebration, applauding the Limerick hurling team on winning the championship! Think Blackhawks Stanley Cup parade in Chicago-pure madness and excitement and we’re in the center of it all! (Players in bus directly in front of us)!!!
Cue-our luck ☺
Ireland- not your typical island.